Mr. Chairperson, thank you for giving my delegation the floor.
At the outset, I wish to convey to the Council the greetings of H.E. Mr. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea.
We take note of the end of term report of the Chairperson of the Commission covering the two terms served by the Chairperson of the Commission.
My delegation thanks the outgoing Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and the six Commissioners for their service to the continent during their term of office at the African Union Commission.
The report and its recommendations provide insight into the state of the Union over the past 8 years. It also provides valuable recommendations.
Mr. Chairperson,
My delegation wishes to share its views on a few of the recommendations contained in the report.
The raison d’etre of the African Union is Pan Africanism. Hence, revitalizing Pan-Africanism and the ideal of continental integration should be given the attention they deserve. By the same token, the AUC and the other organs of the Union need to be guardians of the ideals of Pan Africanism.
On Peace and Security: The AU’s mechanisms for prevention and resolution of conflicts have not been able to adequately address the challenges of peace and security our continent is facing. Hence, there is an urgent need to reform the structures and mechansims for conflict prevention and resolution. The mantra ‘African solutions for African problems’ can only be taken seriously when the AU puts in place and makes use of the required structures, resources and commitment.
On Financing the Union: My delegation recognizes the resource limitation the Union is facing at a time the AU is mandated with increasing number of tasks. Similarly, the ability of the member states to contribute to the budget of the Union is constrained by their multiple priorities. Hence, it is paramount that the Union prioritizes its activities, uses the resources allocated to it prudently and efficiently, and expands innovative ways of domestic resource mobilization. It goes without saying that the ongoing reform process has to be expedited.
On Africa’s place at the International System: Africa cannot and should not continue to be marginalized at the global level. There is an urgent need to undertake an in-depth analysis of Africa’s reality and craft a strategy the ensure Africa assumes its rightful place at the international system, and upgrades the partnerships into mutually beneficial engagements.
Mr. Chairperson,
In conclusion, my delegation wishes to underscore that the needs and priorities of the 1.4 billion African population, most of whom live in poverty, should be at the core of the programs and activities of the African Union.
Thank you!
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