Voluntary Blood Donation

Asmara, 11 July 2024 – Members of the Sawa Housing Construction and Development Company have voluntarily contributed 80 units of blood to enrich the blood supply of the National Blood Transfusion Service.

Nurse Okbamicael Yohannes, head of the blood collection campaign at the National Blood Transfusion Service, said that with the closing of schools and colleges, blood collection campaigns will be conducted at Ministries. He also commended the initiative taken by the members of the company.

Dr. Yohannes Tekeste, medical director of the National Blood Transfusion Service, said that due to voluntary blood donations by government institutions and companies during the rainy season, health facilities do not encounter blood shortages. Dr. Yohannes also noted that the number of voluntary blood donors, which was 6,000 last year, has now increased to 8,000.

The participants of the program, indicating that they gain spiritual satisfaction from donating blood to save lives with their renewable blood, expressed their conviction to continue donating. They also called on others to follow this noble example.