Statement delivered by Ms. Tibe Kindia during the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Eritrea’s presentation on the proposed topics of

Ministerial round table discussion

Topic B

Good practices for strengthening institutions and maximizing financing to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

One of the basic national mechanisms is the existence of the national laws that grant equality and justice to all Eritrean citizens before the law and the Eritrean government’s policy and strict follow-up, of proper implementation of these laws.

Eritrean national laws give equal access to education, health, work opportunity and payment, land ownership, marriage & divorce, succession (inheritance), child custody & adoption. This national law also protects the Eritrean women from forced and underage marriages and FGM, this gives them equal ground to be educated and create their future. Moreover, special attention is given to female workers in cases of maternity and other health problems attached to it.

The government also promotes gender equality and uses the productive potential of women as a necessity for ensuring socio-economic progress. Access to sustainable social infrastructure and social protection such as health, education, food security, legal protection and economic empowerment are critical not only for the advancement of women but to unleash the national potential.

National Union of Eritrean Women in cooperation with different ministries, governmental and non-governmental organizations implement different project such as:-

In Agriculture

Distribution of land and instrument of agriculture.
Organize training by professionals of the field.
Encouraging the exemplary farmers by giving incentives.
Minimum Integrated Household Agricultural Program (MIHAP) which gives priority to female-headed families.
Global Environment Facilities (GEF)/ small grant program.
Communal activity in preserving land and water as well as farming and fishing around the dams is given more chances to women.

In Health Services

Free vaccines for all communicable and other diseases
Free antenatal and other pregnancy related services, including delivery
Waiting rooms in coordination of National Union of Eritrean Women , Eritrean women in  diaspora and community, for women waiting to deliver
Free Protection of communicable diseases
Free medical treatment for all Eritreans living with chronic diseases such as HIV, Diabetes, BP, Glaucoma .

In Education

Education in Eritrea is free from elementary up to college level so no one is left behind because of economic problems.
Exemplary students encouraged.
Existence of boarding schools in remote areas.
Giving Vocational training, and adult literacy programs
Training in art and creating a conducive environment of market for their products.

I thank you