Mr. Chairperson,
I wish at the outset to extend my sincere gratitude to the People and Government of the sisterly Republic of Uganda for the legendary hospitality accorded to my delegation.
Allow me to extend to the Executive Council the greetings of your brother, H.E. Osman Salih, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea.
Mr Chairperson,
Eritrea welcomes the draft CAADP Strategy and Action Plan (2026-2035) and the Kamapla CAADP Declaration on Building Resilient Agrifood systems in Africa. The transformative approach of the draft documents are aligned with Eritrea’s agriculture development strategy.
Eritrea’s development agenda is anchored on self-reliance, national ownership, popular participation and social justice. Within this framework, the development of the agriculture sector is considered as a top priority.
Eritrea is working to create a modern, efficient, competitive and sustainable agriculture sector. The vision is implemented by creating technologically advanced agriculture sector that contributes to food and nutrition security and safety, economic growth and improvement of the livelihoods of the Eritrean society.
Mr Chairperson.
The efforts to achieve these goals include conservation and development of natural resources. About 800 dams of varying sizes have been constructed since 1991; 546, 400 ha of land have been treated with on farm physical measures.
The introduction of appropriate production technologies and inputs are given priority. In 2021 Eritrea initiated a process to shift from chemical farming to organic farming, with the use of bio pesticides and bio fertilizers.
Eritrea is undertaking several programs aimed at improving the livelihood of small and medium holder farmers.
Mr. Chairperson,
Eritrea is transforming its agriculture sector towards nutrition sensitive agriculture. Since 1991, fruit production in Eritrea has increased by 71 fold, while vegetable production had increased by 600%. The growth in diary, poultry and honesy production is also significant. Eritrea has also embarked on palm date production with a goal of planting 200,000 date palm plants by 2026.
The efforts aimed at protecting plants and livestock from disease and damages has registered significant success.
Mr. Chairperson,
My delegation wishes to underscore that the plans and activities at national, regional and continental levels have to be measured primarily by their contributions towards improving the livelihood of the population and their impact in transforming the economy.
I thank you!