“Harmonious Participation of the Women for the Success of Agricultural Business Development”
The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in collaboration with the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) organized a national conference under the theme “Harmonious Participation of the Women for the Success of Agricultural Business Development” on November 7, 2024 in Asmara. The conference which was attended by more than 180 participants from both institutions as well as other relevant government and non-government development partners was carried out as part of the MoA’s vigorous efforts to achieve the goal: ‘Safe and Nutritious Food for Everyone; Everywhere!’ through the new Strategic Development Plan that spans from 2024-2028.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Yuel Yonas, Chairperson of the Technical Committee and representative of the Planning and Statistics Division (PSD) of MoA, indicated that the conference was a continuation of the recent MoA’s engagement with the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) and to include all potential stakeholders in the process of realizing safe and nutritious food security for all Eritreans. He, then, outlined that MoA and NUEW established a committee and worked for about two months to prepare for this important conference. Finally, he announced that 11 papers from both sides and the Eritrean Women in Agribusiness Association (EWAA) will be presented, and a panel discussion with regards to current status, challenges and opportunities of women’s participation in Agriculture and Agri-business development will be part of the conference.
According to the schedule of the conference, H.E Arefaine Berhe, the Minister of Agriculture presented first discourse on the MoA’s major strategies towards achieving ‘Safe and Nutritious Food for Everyone; Minister Arefaine chronologically outlined the major three strategies namely; the Minimum Integrated Household Agricultural Package (MIHAP), the Small and Medium Commercial Farmers Strategy, and the Small and Productive Farm Plot (SPFP) strategy. The Minister, also, presented the five major pillars of the new strategic development plan of the ministry and their implementation modalities towards achieving the MoA’s major goals.
Minister Arefaine Berhe, in his presentation, indicated that agriculture, in real sense, is not only about cereal production but also should integrate production of pulses, oil crops, vegetables as well as intensification of livestock production. “For that reason, all the agricultural strategies are designed in such a way that they encompass effective and efficient crop and livestock production systems that include backyard poultry and bee keeping using top bar and frame hives” he affirmed. Finally, he underscored that all these strategies are meant to improve the livelihood of all Eritrean citizens, and demand full participation of all concerned bodies.
Following Minister Arefaine’s key presentation, five papers were delivered by MoA experts. The presentations were: ‘The Role of Value Addition in Agri-business’ by Ms. Samrawit Kidane; ‘Agricultural Innovations and Top-bar Hive Making as an Agri-business Activity’ by Eng. Heran Yosief; ‘Producing Compost from Domestic Waste’ by Ms. Adiam Rezene; ‘Participation of Women in Value-added Nutritious Food’ by Ms. Tsinaat Berhane; ‘Importance of Safety in Agricultural Production and Processing’ by Mr. Said Nuredin. Then, a short presentation on ‘EWAA’s Background, Achievements and Challenges’ was delivered by Ms. Senait Tesfaldet.
Then, after a thorough discussion on these papers, the program continued with presentations from the NUEW side. President of the union, Ms. Tekia Tesfamichael, delivered a presentation entitled: ‘The Role of NUEW in Empowering Eritrean Women’. Ms. Tekia presented a detailed information regarding the Union’s vision, goals as well as major activities. In her presentation, Ms.Tekia emphasized that full rights and equality of Women can only be realized through their active participation in all sectors. “For this to happen, all Eritrean institutions and citizens should act with full awareness and create conducive environment’ she underlined.
Then four consecutive papers were presented from NUEW side. The papers include: ‘NUEW Strategies in Empowering Eritrean Women’ by Ms. Senait Mehari; ‘NUEW Initiative in the Production of Organic Fertilizers from Domestic Waste: A Case Study of Zoba Maekel’ by Ms. Elsa Gebrehans; ‘Management of Chemical Pesticides and Hazardous Waste: A Case Study from Zoba Anseba’ by Tirhas Nirayo; ‘NUEW Professional Training Programs’ by Ms. Senait Mehari; and ‘Small Grant Program Projects and their Contribution towards Natural Resources Management’ by Mr. Asmerom Goitom.
After the presentations from both sides and EWAA as well as a panel discussion that included experts from MoA, NUEW and a representative exemplary woman farmer, participants gave the following, but not limited to, important comments and recommendations:
– Designing mechanisms that reinforce participation of Eritrean Women in Modern Agricultural Development Programs and Agribusiness
– Addressing national challenges with regards to access to farmland and market that bring together farmers and consumers
– Strengthening Agri-business training and awareness raising programs
– Promoting coordinated efforts by MoA and NUEW to involve more women in Agri-business
– Conducting a survey to assess the current status of Eritrean women participation in agricultural activities
– Integrating bilateral roadmaps from policy to implementation
During the conclusion of the conference, Ms. Tekia Tesfamichael, NUEW President, delivered a brief remark. In her remark, she reaffirmed that Women’s participation in the overall development program resilience is one of the major focus of the association, and reinforcing the involvement of women in agricultural development and agri-business is part and parcel of the ongoing efforts of the government in general and that of the NUEW in particular. She, then, urged for strict follow up and monitoring of the implementation of both parties integrated action plans. She also underscored that empowerment of women should not be left to the NUEW only but needs to be mainstreamed to all government and non-government bodies as well as individual families. Finally, Ms. Tekia said that the young and educated women are expected to play their due roles in transforming the traditional agricultural activities to modern and efficient agri-businesses.
Minister Arefaine Berhe, in his official concluding remarks, commended all participants for their active roles and recommendations, and expressed his expectation to trickle down all the common strategies up to village levels through the organizational structures of both NUEW and MoA. He also affirmed that a committee from both parties is already established and will strictly monitor implementation of the set goals and objectives. Finally, he underlined that the role of women in achieving ‘safe and nutritious food’ is very important; and called on all women in the rural areas to implement the Small and Productive Farm Plot (SPFP) so that they can harvest three times a year and feed their respective households and beyond.
During the event, an exhibition that encompassed improved stove by the Ministry of Defence; processed food displays by EWAA and NUEW members as well as video shows that reflect women success stories were presented to participants of the conference. According to the Public Relations Division and event coordinator of the MoA, participants of the conference included senior officials and experts from headquarters and regional offices of both parties; relevant development partners; EWAA representatives as well as an exemplary woman farmer.
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